Tuesday, 29 May 2007

Every Child – A Masterpiece

By A Daddy

Some time ago I had the privilege to present workshops for a certain well know organization. One of the people involved in my training for the workshops was a guy called Brad Sadler.

He was one of the best speakers I had ever heard. I was a little intimidated by the thought that I had to do presentation on the same topic as he did in weeks to come.

So after his presentation I said to him: Brad, my background is not as bad as yours. I’ve not done as many bad things as you have. I’ve not committed any crime that I ended up in prison for. I’ll have to use some of your stories during my presentations.

Brad didn’t even hear me. He just went on about how wonderful life was and nobody really cared too much about the stories. What they liked about him is that he gave them hope.

I went on to do the workshops and before most of these Brad would phone or send a sms or do some or other thing to encourage me.

And when my workshops went very well Brad was delighted and if it went very bad Brad was ecstatic. Whatever happened, Brad was overjoyed.

Gee, I haven’t spoken to him for more than a year. Hold the thought; I’m quickly going to phone him.

I’m back. I feel great. Obviously I’ll feel great. I’ve just spoken to Brad.

Now, you might wonder why I’m telling you this.

I’m telling you because Brad is an exhorter. He is what one might call vintage exhorter. One of the best I’ve seen. Definitely the best I have personally met. I have a daughter that is a little like that. Always ready to encourage everyone.

And that’s great, but we are all different.

I’m not saying we should not all encourage each other. I’m just saying – We are all different!

Some are perceivers.
Some are servants.
Some are teachers.
Some are exhorters.
Some are givers.
Some are administrators, and
Some love to give mercy.

Then again the perceivers, teachers, exhorters and administrators generally love to express themselves with words and the servants, givers and mercy people love to express themselves with deeds.

So if you have a little teacher in your home, you might struggle to get his mouth shut. But if you have a little servant, you might struggle to get his mouth open.

Many people do not understand this and then they think there is something wrong if a child either doesn’t talk or talks too much.

But that’s not the only place where people are different.

We also have different ways to remember things – Some remember visually, some auditory, some kinesthetically and some tactile.

Then we all also interact with information differently – Some are analytical and some are global.

Wait, there’s more – Howard Gardner came up with the concept of Multiple Intelligences. That is really just different ways people are smart. Just seven of the ways you can be brilliant is as follows – Linguistic, Logical-Mathematical, Spatial, Musical, Bodily-Kinesthetic, Interpersonal and intrapersonal.

And then we also have different thinking preferences. That has to do with your left and right brain.

And as if that’s not enough people also have different dominance profiles. That means they have dominant eyes, ears, hands, feet and so on. And depending on your dominance, you will have a different style.

And by the way, everyone then likes to do things at different times of the day, at different temparatures with different shades of light. It just goes on and on.

Right, I’ll stop now. Although there are probably thousands of other differences and unique little things about every individual which no one even knows about yet, I think I have made the point.
Every individual is a work of art and can be a spectacular success.

So please don’t be discouraged or overwhelmed. I didn’t say this to confuse you or frustrate you. I told you the above for one reason and one reason only.

Every child is a masterpiece. And your little masterpiece has a role to play and a place to fit.

And there is no way that anyone can give you a quick model answer on how to train up your child. And don’t ever dare to compare your child with any other child.

It takes wisdom, time, patience and perseverance and probably a few other attributes in that category to get the answer and complete the marathon.

So keep on. If you struggle, ask for help. Don’t give up. Don’t worry. Don’t try to be perfect – But definitely be real.

And always remember – “You were born an original, don’t die a copy.”

0 friendly banter: