Bosom Buddies
By Mel Novitzkas
When I trained to be a Doula, I needed as much practical experience as possible. I did births at Mowbray Maternity, Stellenbosch Provincial Hospital, Hottentots Holland Hospital, Tygerberg Hospital, and the very swanky Vergelegen Medi-clinic.
I was horrified at the ridiculous difference between state and private.
At the state hospitals woman arrive in a taxi all alone, often in labour, mostly in pain, and always afraid. They birth alone, nameless except for the general title of “Mama”. There is no privacy, no dignity. At one state hospital they are all given morphine although not consulted or informed of risks to baby. Epidurals are non-existent. Even gas is no where to be seen except the scar on the wall where it was once in use. No birth balls, no water, no choice. And then they leave with their infant and often nothing else, not even clothes or a blanket, in the crowded taxi back to the townships.
At the private hospital mothers receive a nappy bag filled with goodies they don’t actually need. And the state moms? Nothing! This will just not do!
And so the non-profit, Bosom Buddies was ‘born’.
Bosom Buddies aims to have all mothers with their newborns, who birth at a State Hospital , to experience a warm & caring welcome into the world. No newborn will go home without being warmly dressed and wrapped snuggly in a blanket.
So what can you do to help?
Not too much about their birthing experience yet. But, we do make gorgeous nappy bags for the moms and their newborns. We fill them with a Babygro, vest, booties, warm knitted jersey and a cosy hat. We throw in a blanket, sanitary pads and a few disposables. When funds allow we include toweling nappies, a snappi and waterproofs. (I hope to have this in every bag soon) We also include a baby product such as Vaseline or powder and sometimes toothpaste and toothbrush for mom. We attach a beautiful handcrafted card to the bag and the gift is ready.Just before we hand out the bags we pop in a packet of crunchies or muffins. Sadly the hospital we visit is high risk so we often have stillbirths. We make sure we have a plain bag filled with pads and toiletries and something pretty for the mom. We attach a sympathy card and just sit and hold them a while. We also take care of the mothers of the prem babies who kangacare for their tiny ones for weeks or months till they are strong enough.
The following resources are needed:
- Fabric for the bags
- Fleece fabric for the blankets
- Wool for the jerseys
- Babygros and vests in newborn & 0-3 months size
- Disposable nappies
- 4 Terricloth nappies with 1 snappi and 2 waterproofs per bag, 1 pkt nappy liners
- Surgical spirits and cotton buds for cord care
- Baby products such as Vaseline, aqueous cream, powder & shampoo
- Sanitary pads for the mother (one of our biggest needs)
- Suitable snacks and beverages for the kangacare mothers who stay in the hospital for extended periods with their premature infants
- Financial sponsorship to make all this possible
We rely solely on volunteers to run the operation and visit the mothers. The beauty of the project is that the needs are specific and unique so everyone has something to offer in the running of BB.
The following are areas where you can commit your time, skills & energy:
- Sewing of the bags (material is provided)
- Knitting jerseys, hats & booties
- Packing of the bags (done weekly once a week)
- Baking of suitable goods for the bags
- Collection of infant clothing & other goods from suppliers & sponsors
- Attending hospital visits (Mondays or Thursdays at 9.00am)
- Marketing BB to potential sponsors and obtaining funding
- Praying for BB and the mothers and babies
- Making cards
When we have enough practical help and financial & product sponsorship we will be able to cover each mother as well as get the project started in other areas. This is our hope.
For further information, please contact Mel
Check out Mel's blog: