ADD can increase ability to learn!
By A Daddy
I have attended many lectures and workshops and listened to many teachings. Some were excellent and I was able to learn a lot. Others were the perfect breeding ground for Attention Deficit Disorder.
Now that I’m a parent, who believes that the answer for Education is at home, I have to make sure that my kids and those I talk to do not develop Attention Deficit Disorder while in my company.
How do I do that?
I have to make sure I do not develop CBS – (Continuous Boredom Syndrome).
Now, we all know that boredom is one of the biggest enemies we have to fight when we have to, or even want to, learn.
And what’s the main cause of boredom?
You guessed it.
Style! The style of the one who has to ensure that learning takes place.
So, if that’s true, how does one ensure that one’s style is not boring?
Good question. I’m glad you asked.
The answer is very easy.
Study the Master Teacher and imitate Him.
So what are the characteristics of His style?
I’ll tell you in a moment.
But first I would like to submit that He may have encouraged ADD.
Don’t look surprised. ADD is a good thing!
It stands for:
And if you focus on that it will increase your ability to learn.
Right, back to the style.
It is my belief that no one who listened to the Master Teacher was ever bored.
And He learned from His dad, who incidentally is also my Dad.
And all of us have the privilege to learn from both of them.
I’ll give you a couple of characteristics of their style – Bruce Wilkinson introduced me to it – and if you use it appropriately and in consultation with them, results are guaranteed.
Here they are:
Their style was and still is:
Memorable – Think of the rainbow – not just talking, but also showing a memorable picture
Unexpected – How many times have you heard a donkey speak?
Visual – Think of Daniel’s dream
Unique – Angels announcing the Birth of our Savior
Multi-sensory – How many senses do you think was utilized during those ten plagues?
Captivating – Very few people would not concentrate if a hand writes on a wall.
Incarnational – Don’t just talk – Do what you say.
Now how many cases of Attention Deficit Disorder would have been diagnosed if we incorporated all off the above in our style?
Probably none!
Now if you’d like to have some more exposure to this – attend one of my workshops.
Topics that will be discussed: What is Home Education, Legal aspects, Reasons to Home Educate, Developing the whole person, 21st Century education and how it should be different and much, much more.
We look forward to hearing from you.
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