Prayer request for a very sick little girl
Our Father who Art in Heaven
Please hear our prayers for Marinda
Lay Your healing hands upon her
and take away all the pain and illness
and make her well again
In Your name we ask that You
shall touch her with Your powers.
Hemelse Vader
Raak asseblied Marinda aan
LĂȘ asseblief U hand van genesing op haar
en neem asseblief al die pyn weg
en maak haar gesond
In U Naam vra ons dat U haar
sal aanraak en ons dank U
Most people delete chain prayers but we ask you to please partake in this one, as this little girl is close to home and one of our own here in Eshowe.
Our sweet angel Marinda de Jager has been so ill, she was hositalised with broncital pneumonia at least a month ago, but has been struggling for longer, where her lungs were said to be badly damaged, she was in hospital for two weeks and was put on string of medication, but unfortuantely she was admitted back in hospital yesterday, she is battling to breathe, cant sleep and is not eating, she still has the bacteria, the antibioticts that she was taking has not helped and the doctors now need to try and work out what bacteria is in the system as to give her the right antibiotic, her lungs are full of holes and she is in pain. The doctors presume that she will have to take antibiotics for the rest of her life to help her lungs as the chances of healing is virually nil.
All we as a family ask is that you please add her to your prayers and thoughts:
Thank you
Parents Karin, Deon and Morne de Jager
Ouma Barbara
Ronel, Mark,
Gerhard, Charmaine, Noelene and Tanye
Ouma Maddy Oupa Gert
Eugene, Denise, Charlene and Bridget
Meeste van die mense "delete" gewoonlik ketting gebede, maar ons vra dat julle asseblief net 'n oomblik van julle tyd afstaan op hierdie een want die kleine engeltjie is baie na aan ons harte en tuiste hier in Eshowe.
Kleine Marinda wil net nie gesond word nie, so 'n maand of wat gelede was sy in Umhlanga Hosipaal vir Brongiale brongietis, vir 2 weke, haar longe is so beskadig weens die brongietis, sy was op 'n reeks pille en ongelukkig het die medikasie nie gehelp nie, nou is sy weer terug in die hospitaal want sy kan nie asem kry nie, sy slaap nie en eet nie, en is in pyn, haar longe is so beskadig met gate dat sy lewenslank op antibiotikas gaan moet bly
Al wat ons as familie vra is dat julle asseblief haar in julle gebede en gedagte sal hou in julle besige dag.
Ouers Karin, Deon and Morne de Jager
Ouma Barbara
Ronel, Mark,
Gerhard, Charmaine, Noelene and Tanye
Ouma Maddy Oupa Gert
Eugene Denise Charlene and Bridget
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