My contribution to the broadening of the tax base (29 June 2007)
By A Daddy
It was a Friday morning just like any other. I woke up, got up, charged up and filled up. We still had a couple of things to do in preparation for our son, Migael, who we expected to arrive on 07-07-07. The most important thereof – my wife, Marie’s, hairdresser appointment.
At around 8:00 Marie politely informed me that 07-07-07 seemed a little too far in the future based on certain physical signals she experienced. So at around 11:00 we decided to take on the 22 km trip to the Hospital, which took us about 25 minutes, just to get some kind of indication of what our plan of action should be.
We pitched up, the nurses did their “stuff” and told us that Migael could technically arrive at any moment but their gut feeling told them there was still time.
So we went home and my wife honoured her hairdresser appointment at 13:30. When walking out of the salon at around 14:00 she told me that the contractions were about 7 minutes apart. We drove home very calmly and told my mom, who is visiting, and kids that the time has come to undertake the 22 km trip again.
By this time my wife whispered in my ear that the contractions were about 5 minutes apart. We started our journey. Four minutes later she told me that she had another contraction.
My mind started wondering to a few movie scenes that I had seen at some stage where people had to rush to the Hospital, but I knew at that time that it only happened in movies.
However when my wife whispered in my ear, three minutes later, that she had another contraction I shifted gears into movie mode.
It briefly reminded of an incident when I experienced that although a square peg doesn’t fit into a round hole, a bone can fit tightly around a dog’s teeth.
My mom started shivering, my oldest daughter reminded me that we were not driving a 4X4, my other daughter thought her dad had gone colour blind, but she sort-of enjoyed it, and my son thought he had arrived in heaven.
The traffic made me realise that the weekend had already started in Pretoria and a few frustrated people did their utmost to make sure that I wait my turn and do not pass them. (May they be blessed!)
Any case, we arrived at the hospital and informed the staff of the situation. They welcomed us back but did not understand the urgency of the situation.
I politely informed them that we had a covenant, which included short, easy, painless contractions and that it would serve them well to hurry up.
They concurred, did their “stuff”, called the doctor. She arrived. A contraction arrived. And after three pushes the tax base was broadened at 14:45.
His name: Migael
Inherent meaning: Who is like God?
Spiritual connotation: Esteemed
First blessing I gave him after his birth: I blessed him with wisdom and anointing to stand solidly on the righteous past, and at the same time to see outside the traditions and norms of the religious movement into which he has been born.
Weight – 2.85 kgLength – Perfect
Everything else – PerfectMom is doing great.
First blessing I gave her after Migael’s birth: I blessed her with having the perfect peace, not as the world gives, great perspective and great understanding.
Dad, sisters and brother are delighted.
It’s great to have the covenant keeping, Lord of Hosts, El Shaddai, Abba Father, The Faithful One on our side.